Pricing & Freight Charges:
All pricing on If You Love Coffee is subject to availability and price changes. Any pricing listed as $0.00 means you need to call for current price and availability. All freight charges will be added to customers purchase total and/or adjusted to customers purchase total amount, regardless if the check out cart reflect no freight or zero freight amount when the customer’s order is placed online.
Most items will ship within 24-48 hours; transit time will be as per provided by the shipping carrier. No shipment will go to a PO Box. Expedited shipping is available with additional charges for freight made to the customer purchase. We do not guarantee transit time for customers purchase. We rely solely on the carriers estimated time for shipping. The customer is responsible for any return shipping and/or freight charges if return authorization is issued. The customer is responsible for inspecting the package and merchandise for damages. The customer must report freight damages within 24 hours of receipt. Do not use the equipment if it arrives damaged. Please call us at 800-261-3265 to report any freight damages and then call the freight carrier. The customer must call in the freight claim and report any damages within two business days.
International Shipping:
All shipments going out of the US are considered to be international shipments. All payment for international purchases must be made via wire transfers, and wired funds must be received prior to any shipment to customer and/or release for shipping to the customer. All international shipments are FOB (Freight ON Board) our warehouse and must be arranged by the customer and/or their respective international freight broker.